
June 29, 2022

Sineng Electric in Rajasthan: The Blue Oasis in the Desert

Being the largest Indian state by area, Rajasthan comprises most of the wide and inhospitable Thar Desert, with a vast potential of solar resources waiting to be unleashed. Taking the opportunity of India government’s pledge to carbon neutrality,

Being the largest Indian state by area, Rajasthan comprises most of the wide and inhospitable Thar Desert, with a vast potential of solar resources waiting to be unleashed. Taking the opportunity of India government’s pledge to carbon neutrality, Rajasthan is turning into the solar hub of the country and became the first state in India to surpass 10GW of cumulative large-scale solar installations. According to MNRE, Rajasthan now ranks No.1 in total solar power installed capacity. Sineng Electric is proud to be a part of this milestone, and we’re excited to share with you three highlight projects located in Rajasthan, all powered by Sineng 3.125MW central inverters.


Pokhran Solar Park is one of the biggest solar parks in India, where this SoftBank 300MW plant operates steadily even in the sandstorm. With a wide coverage of deserts in Rajasthan, it’s not unusual to encounter weather like this, which makes it particularly crucial for inverters to have outdoor protection that can adapt to harsh environments.

Meanwhile, high temperature is another major challenge to tackle. Thankfully, Sineng’s 3.125MW central inverter is equipped with advanced heat exchange technology, able to realize no derating up to 50℃.

Glittering in the sun, this ACME 300MW plant is capable of lighting up more than 6 lakh homes, significantly helping alleviate the problem of local power shortage. 

During the construction and commissioning, Sineng team was faced with two rounds of Covid-19 pandemic. However, with great coordination and diligent teamwork, the team was able to overcome all challenges and commission the project in record time.



Take a look at Mahindra Sustan’s 4th project in Rajasthan as a developer! 175MW of the 250MW plant has been commissioned, and phase two of 75MW is expected to be commissioned shortly. 

It’s also worth mentioning that 100% bifacial modules of 535MWp and 540MWp capacity have been installed in this project. Combined with high power density and small footprint of 3.125 central inverter, Sineng is able to reduce LCOE and create more values for customers at the same time. 

With increasing awareness of the need to manage our carbon footprint, India is ready to make unprecedented contributions to climate action. Sineng Electric will continue to invest in innovation and localization to facilitate the rapid development of solar industry in India, making solar energy affordable and truly benefit our customers.
